
Vendor Agreement

EcoCentric is in the business of reusable packaging leasing, online ordering, and delivery, and owns the website “” and related e-commerce applications.

The Subscriber is a Vendor (collectively, the “Vendors”) who owns and/or operates the business, which is collaborating with Ecocentric, to create an impact, by using reusable packaging systems supplied by Ecocentric.

The Subscriber enters into an agreement with EcoCentric to:

  1. Lease packaging containers for delivery and,
  2. receive and transmit customers’ orders to the Vendor and,
  3. provide delivery services, whereby EcoCentric, oversees the readiness of the customers’ orders, handles the orders on behalf of the customers and delivers the ordered food/goods to customers, oversees and manages food container inventory, (the “Services”),
  4. accept payments on behalf of the Subscriber through EcoCentric Debit or Credit payment gateways (the “Payment Gateways”).

In consideration for the Services, the Subscriber shall pay to EcoCentric the following:

  1. A commission, of the total value of each order (i.e. to total amount charged to the customer) processed by EcoCentric, including delivery charges if applicable (the “Commission”).
  2. The start date of the calculation of the vendor’s commission shall be the activation date of the ordering service provided by EcoCentric, that is the day the first order is placed through EcoCentric Platform.
  3. The Commission shall be deducted from the amount due to the Subscriber and collected by EcoCentric through the Payment Gateways.
  4. After deducting the agreed commission, EcoCentric will transfer to the subscriber the amount accumulated for a 30-day period within 7 working days. (For example: for the amounts accumulated from the period from September 1st to September 30th, the transfer will be done before or on October 7th).

The Subscriber should use his/her device to execute orders received from EcoCentric, “Equipment”. The subscriber shall bear the cost of his/her own device, may it be a desktop or tablet.

Reusable containers/packaging  will be provided to the Subscriber free of charge unless otherwise agreed on. It is the Subscriber’s responsibility to wash, dry and store following the same protocols applied to your own reusable products such as crockery or utensils. If containers are abused, broken, and or misplaced, nominal charges will apply. Further information can be found on our website under the packaging section.

EcoCentric platform has a container management system that controls the number of containers/ packaging available at the vendor. The vendor is only responsible for reusable containers/packaging available on the premises of the Subscriber’s business location. If a broken container arrives to the vendor, it shall be reported immediately to

EcoCentric will provide the Subscriber a number of sets* of containers of each size and type at the time of training prior to activation of the online store on EcoCentric’s platform.

* number of sets will be agreed on prior to the training day, and signed off at the drop off of the inventory.

EcoCentric is in charge of arranging delivery, and estimating the delivery fee depending on area and distance from the vendor to the customer. EcoCentric prioritizes electric over fuel-powered vehicles and will specify distance (km) for deliveries which will range up to 10km for electric motorbikes.

The vendor may opt to use the “Marketplace only” option, to utilize own delivery vehicle and rider, only if the EcoCentric’s rider app is used by the vendor’s rider during the delivery, to enable tracking of the packaging containers.

EcoCentric strictly adheres to European privacy protocols and holds customer data as its exclusive property. We have established policies that prohibit the sharing of customer data with vendors. This data is maintained solely for internal survey and analytical purposes.

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